welcome web-surfer, looks like you accidentally ended up on the weird side of the world wide web. well since you're here, allow me to introduce myself.

my internet name is ghostpants, but you can call me ko or lain if you prefer that! i'm a random weird teenager who lives online. im using nekopyon's neocities as a template to learn html.

all of the ads and pop-ups on this page are fake!!

i'm going to be editing this a lot (im about 20% done lol), but as said before a LOT of this is credited to nekopyon c:

Update Log:

01/23/22 - changed background

12/11/21 - redacted

11/25/21 - error

11/20/21 - help.

10/24/21 - jalapenis

10/23/21 - oh yea


welcome to ghost.com, a website made by a mentally unstable teenager who had nothing to do in their life so he made an entire website instead

Best viewed on a 1920 x 1080 display! Please comment any issues on my neocities profile!